Yes another long break since I've posted something. This is from Christmas. Hope everyone enjoyed theirs. Peace.
To all,
First let me THANK you all for everything you've done for us this
past year. All of your prayers, blessings & efforts that you bestowed
upon us are always truly appreciated. To those who came at a moments
notice and took care of whatever needs we had, without a question,
thank you. I know I don't pass out a lot of praise, nor pats on the
back, but I love and appreciate you all, everyone. Each of you brings
something special, a blessing to our family each and every day despite
the ups and downs you face within your own daily lives. So I wanted to
take this opportunity to say Thank you, I appreciate you, and I don't
know what we would do without you. Here's wishing you and your family
a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Happy Kwanzaa, Hanukkah,
Ramadan and to those who celebrate Christmas everyday because they
don't celebrate any particular day, Happy Day. Stay BLESSED and may
PEACE fill you up and BLESS your circle of family and friends. Be
safe. May the LOVE of GOD permeate every aspect of your life.
Finally, may GOD BLESS your enemies and those who have plans to do
harm to you. In doing so, they won't have time to focus their energy
on you. Let us forgive the faults of others as we start the year and
commit to giving our all. Thru each situation we've all been thru this
year, something positive has seemed to come out of most of it. Lots of
wonderful things took place, along with some stuff that did not go the
way we prayed, expected or hoped for. But I am thankful for ALL of it!
It all will help me grow and I hope it does the same for you. Once
again as we look to a new year with new challenges, let us look, not
to just transform our lives, but to transform the lives of others we
come in contact with each and everyday. For all of your passion, pain
and wonderful things that you have been through and that we shared,
let me once again express my gratitude and appreciation for all of it.
I Love you all. Through it all I don't wish to have been in any other
place or position. To my Family & BOYZ, thanks to your love ones at
home that put up with me, I appreciate their patience with me, because
GOD is still working on me and the job is not complete. I feel
privileged to have had this opportunity to be apart of your lives and
to have you apart of my life this year, and I am looking forward to
whatever God has in store for us all in the New Year. Know that
you'll are loved, God Bless you all, be safe, Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year.